Rules and Procedures

The Following are the Rules and Procedures for Mr. Dyson's Classroom 


  1. Always show respect for everyone in the class. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  2. Don't talk when someone else is talking. Wait your turn!
  3. Come to class with all needed materials (Pencil, Paper, Work, etc.) 
  4. When in doubt, always ask questions!
  5. Follow all other district rules.


Bathroom - Sign your agenda, Get Teacher Signature, Sign Classroom Sign-out Sheet, Go, Sign-In.

Absence - All work will be placed into your folder by another student, it is your responsibility to complete all missed work and turn it in.

Late Work - All work not handed in is considered a 0%.  Any work can be handed in late with a grade penalty of 25%.

Planner - Students must write in agenda everyday into their planners.  There will be pop quiz grades for organization.

Re-Takes - Students may retake any quiz/test after they completed the remmediation work.